

Local actual
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Informaciones básicas
Nombre de la mercancía TECH MINI-VQMWS01GR
Precio de venta €35.87
Puntos acumulados €0
Código de mercancía P0000BJQ
Costo de flete Precio de flete internacional
Cantidad 수량증가수량감소

Al efectuar el pago por la ventana de pago personal puede acumular y usar las millas del NAVER.

상품 옵션


Al seleccionar la caja de arriba será añadida la mercancía.

Lista de mercancías
Nombre de la mercancía Cantidad de mercancías Precio
TECH MINI-VQMWS01GR 수량증가 수량감소 35.87 (  0)
total price : 0 (0개)

El valor final con el descuento aplicado será posible verificar al efectuar la compra.




En caso de pago de gran cantidad la empresa de tarjeta puede poner en contacto con el cliente para la seguridad. En ese procedimiento si el cliente se entera que es una compra efectuada con su tarjeta robada o pedido con nombre de otra persona, puede suspender o cancelar el pedido arbitrariamente. 

Compra efectuada por depósito bancário puede depositar por medio de PC banking, internet banking, tele banking o directo del banco. 
El nombre del depositante insertado en la hora de pedido  deberá ser el mismo del depositante real. El dinero debe ser depositando dentro de 7 días,   y el pedido que no fue depositado hasta ese tiempo será automaticamente cancelado.


  • Forma de entrega : Servicio de paquete
  • Local de entrega : Para todas las regiones
  • Costo de flete : Precio de flete internacional
  • Período de entrega : De 1 dia a 3 dia
  • Entrega : En casos de distrito montañoso lejano de la ciudad o islas son posibles pagar un valor adicional.
    La mercancía que solicitó la compra será enviada después de confirmar el depósito del dinero. Pero dependiendo de tipo de mercancía puede ser que se atrase la entrega.

Cambio y devolución

Exchange and return address
 - [06377] 서울특별시 강남구 율현동 314 블란다
You are eligible for exchange or return in the following cases:
 - You can exchange or return your order within seven (7) days of receiving your contract details. If the delivery is delayed after you have received your contract details, you can exchange or return your order within seven (7) days upon receipt of your order or after the start of the shipping date.
- You may exchange or return your order within three (3) months following delivery or within thirty (30) days of becoming aware that the goods and services were delivered in specifications that are different from how they were advertised or promised. 
You are not eligible for exchange or return in the following cases:
 - If the goods have been damaged or destroyed due to causes attributable to you (However, you are eligible to cancel your order if you had opened the packaging to examine the contents.)
  - If the value of the goods has depreciated significantly due to partial or heavy use
  - If the value of the goods has depreciated significantly because a long period of time has elapsed, making it difficult to resell the goods 
- If the packaging has been damaged for goods that can be reproduced as identical counterfeits 
 - If we have obtained your consent of ineligibility because irrecoverable damage to the seller is expected in the case of an order cancellation for goods that are produced individually for an order.
 - If the provision of digital content has already commenced. (However, this shall not apply to the portion for which the provision of such digital content has not commenced in cases of a contract comprising divisible services or divisible digital content.)
※ You bear the cost of returning your order in the case of an exchange or return whereby the reason for exchange or return is based on your preferences (including exchange for a different color or size, etc.) rather than damage or if the product not matching its description. 
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